Serves as a source of power substation 110/6 m , located 5 km from the plant. Cable laid from the substation to the switchgear 6 kV , which is located on the territory of the industrial park.
The total installed capacity of transformers in the territory is 7720 kVA . Voltage distribution network - 380 , the voltage - current collectors 380/220 to have lamps - 220
The territory of the industrial park will provide a link via a fiber - fiber cable ET and has its own telephone exchange SIEMENS S- 150 200 subscribers.
Moreover, the company have access to the Internet.
On the territory of the industrial park paved roads, driveways, unloading - loading and access area occupies more than 17% of the total area.
The central node is the thermal gas steam Clayton SE- 60 for the supply of steam process equipment. The gas pressure in the supply conduit 3 bar.
Sewerage system provides collection and treatment of all local industrial wastewater followed by additional purification them on urban wastewater treatment plants. The sewerage system consists of the following units:
- block treatment facilities
- sewage pumping station number 1 ( CPS- 1)
- sewage pumping station number 2 ( CPS- 2)
- stormwater pumping station
- internal and external sewer
Industrial waste water from the entire industrial park come on KNS- 1, and then to the factory wastewater treatment plant.Coming local cleaning industrial waste water flows on KNS- 2 , which also serves all waste water and stormwater runoff.Of SNS -2 sewer collector (2 pipeline diam.300 mm each) all sewage discharged to municipal treatment facilities for final treatment and disposal in an outdoor pond.
Precipitation received through the receiving wells in the storm sewer pipe , which has a bias towards the pumping station stormwater drains which are pre- cleaned mechanically. Pumping of stormwater runoff is discharged into the discharge canal BES or served on the KNS- 2.
On the territory of the industrial park , there are two separate water supply systems :
- Potable water plumbing
- industrial water
Source of drinking water supply is from the city water - AO Narva Vesi , drinking water comes into the territory of 2 pipelines 150mm each.
For industrial needs water comes from the tailrace canal BES pumping station number 1 , located outside the factory, and then 2 diam.200mm pipeline pumping station number 2 , which is on the territory of the plant . Of pumping station number 2 cold process water delivered to consumers .
The heat source for the enterprise serves Baltic ES . Coolant - hot water, the maximum temperature of 130 ° C. In the central heat unit installed automated thermal unit . On the territory of the industrial park - water heating , water is supplied from a central heating unit to consumers.
Serves as a source of power substation 110/6 m , located 5 km from the plant. Cable laid from the substation to the switchgear 6 kV , which is located on the territory of the industrial park.
The total installed capacity of transformers in the territory is 7720 kVA . Voltage distribution network - 380 , the voltage - current collectors 380/220 to have lamps - 220